It’s BACK!! Marc Taro Holmes and Liz Steel are, once again, leading the challenge to draw 100 people in five days. I’m not a people sketcher but I did this last year and it was a lot of fun. My advice is to set aside Monday and, draw, draw draw 30-40 people. This makes the rest of the week easier as you’re less likely to fall behind and get stressed (grin). Then, post your results with the tag #oneweek100people2019.
To demonstrate some ways of achieving the goal, here are some examples of how I drew 100 people. None of these people captures took more than a minute or so (adding color not included) because these were real people, doing real things and they didn’t wait around for me to draw them (grin).
Great idea and I live the floating heads.
Hee hee. When I was doing a lot of architecture portraits I would get criticism about not having people in my scene. This from the same people who think it perfectly normal to have a head with no body below it 🙂 We artists are weird.