Clowns In Paris

The Paris 1900 exhibit at our Musée de la Civilisation has come to an end.  The real significance of this is felt most by we sketchers, who use the museum as our winter gathering spot and this winter that exhibit has been the center of our activity.  It departure leaves us with a large display of video game history (how many boxes and monitors can you sketch?) and a display of Haiti junk art titled “Haiti Extremis” and it lives up to its name.  Weird stuff.

Before the exhibit was shut down, though, I decided that I needed to draw “the clown.”  He’s part of a very large mural painted by Fernand Pelez, who depicts tired and sad circus performers.  I’ve reported previously on my attempt to sketch the musicians in this painting.  The clown seems a fitting end to this exhibit for me.  Done in a Stillman & Birn Zeta (6×9) with a Pilot Prera, Lexington Gray ink.  I wonder where we’re going to sketch now 🙁
