Sketching An Interesting Table Leg?

Predictions of rain suggest I’ll be sketching at the museum for the next few days.  Will spring every come?  Thank goodness for the Masters of Olympus exhibit.

Today I was drawn (yeah…bad pun) to a rather bizarre human-creature with the head/body of a child/bird, a single leg from a three-toed something or other, and a large block sticking up from its shoulders.

I view sketching of such things as practice with seeing relationships and proportions and this one was a definite challenge to my limited abilities.  As it turns out, the big block sticking up from its back is actually a compromise to its function as this 2-foot high statue (carved from stone) was a table leg.  Maybe there are three more just like it wandering around Greece.

Pilot Prera, Lexington Gray ink, Stillman & Birn Alpha sketchbook

Pilot Prera, Lexington Gray ink, Stillman & Birn Alpha sketchbook