My family is great. While I was in Ottawa they understood that I was frustrated by not being able to sit down and sketch for an extended period. I didn’t have to say it – they knew. And so, the day before we left for Toronto, they sent me off to sketch by myself. Hmm…or maybe they were just tired of my presence and wanted to get rid of me. Either way, I got to go sketching.
I headed immediately for the Canadian Museum of Nature which is spectacular. We’d spent an evening doing a quick tour of the place and I could spend a lifetime sketching there. But I was after bones. Dinosaur bones.
Ever since Tina Koyama started posting her sketches of bones contained in a Seattle museum, I’ve wanted to draw some myself, but bones are sorely lacking in Quebec City, except those holding up the bags of water that march along the streets.
Once I paid the entry fee, and became a member of the museum, I headed directly for the dinosaur portion of the museum. It was a great morning as crowds were minimal, the security guard was really nice and we had a great conversation about sketching and photography, and I got to draw bones. Here are a couple of my efforts. What fun! The shapes are interesting, complex and organic.