“Canada spends all spring waiting for spring to arrive.”
I don’t know who wrote this. It was a blurb associated with a Weather Channel video. It may be the best descriptor of how a sketcher feels in Canada when he/she looks outside. I was supposed to go to a coffee shop to sketch this morning because it was supposed to rain. Well, it did rain, kinda sorta. It is currently raining ice pellets and accompanied by high winds. As crazy as I am, I’m not crazy enough to go out in that mess. And so I’ll write about art instead [sigh].
Indoor art it is. I’m probably the only guy on Earth to discover the Victoria and Albert Museum’s online resource, but I got excited when I found it. I haven’t seen an online resource that provides such high-resolution graphics of museum holdings, allowing the user to zoom and scroll over the work.
Here’s an example and one I’ve started to work from, a sculpture by Aime-Jules Dalou of a woman nursing her child. If you click on the website image you’ll find several images of the statue and the ability to scroll around them, zoom into them. I decided not to do the entire statue but rather to zoom in, rotate a bit and capture a more typical portrait graphic. This was the result.
I’ve only started on the drawing and stopped with a very light massing in of tone. I stopped because I’m not sure if I want to complete it with pencil, the original idea, or to do watercolor washes to capture the sepia look of the statue. This is done on Stonhenge paper, though, so I’ll probably proceed with pencil, taking me down yet another road where I have little experience. I did increase the contrast of this scan somewhat because many of the lines are very light. Hopefully working on this will mitigate my frustration of those ice pellets hitting my window.