Long ago I decided that the popular Lamy Safari was not the pen for me. There are two reasons for this. The first is that European XF nibs aren’t XF and to get a truly fine fountain pen nib requires purchase of an Asian pen. The other reason, however, is my real problem with the Safari. Its triangular grip may be fine for people writing with a fountain pen but I find it a real problem when I try to draw with it, mostly because I regularly move my hold point up and down the pen barrel and the triangular grip produces a lot of uncomfortable hold locations.
For some strange reason, though, I decided to try it again so I filled one with Platinum Carbon Black and went out walking. We’re finally getting decent weather and I so thrilled with being out walking that sketching is taking a back seat. The fact that my arthritis is causing my drawing hand to hurt may also have something to do with my reluctance to stop and sketch.
So when I was out I did a couple small sketches with the Lamy and my reassessment hasn’t changed my mind about it. It’s not for me. Here are the two small sketches I did. The thick line and my clumsiness combined to create, at best, “ok” results. It is nice to be able to be outdoors, though.
We each have individual reasons for the tools we like. I do like the Lamy. I agree that the extra fine nib on this German made pen is not as fine as a Japanese extra fine. So I team it with the Platinum desk pen… that’s a very fine line!
One thing I like about the Lamy Safari is how easy it is to swap nibs. I’ve been known to drop my pen and destroy the nib. To then be able to replace it relatively inexpensively is a good thing.
For those who do like the Lamy extrafine, though, Brian Goulet has warned us that Lamy will no longer be shipping the extra fine nibs to USA. So buy some up now!
When I got into sketching, the Lamy was the only inexpensive, reliable pen. Everyone recommended it to everyone else. And you’re right, it still suits a lot of people. I’m just not one of them. Lamy’s discontinuing of XF nibs in North America (you can still buy them in Europe so online shoppers shouldn’t be inconvenienced) is yet another of the dumber things Lamy has done in recent years.
I’m with you on the Lamy, Larry. I enjoy writing with my Lamys (which I started sketching with years ago because they seemed to be the only pen sketchers used!), so they aren’t wasted, but they just don’t seem responsive for drawing compared to many other pens I have. Glad to hear you finally have some outdoor-sketching weather!
– Tina
Yep, you and I got into sketching about the same time and the Lamy was the only inexpensive game in town. These days there are a lot of choices, though Lamy still wins if pretty colors are what you’re after (grin). I just wish that triangle grip wasn’t part of their equation.