Just Got Back From Sketching Ottawa… Sort Of

Sometimes things work out.  Sometimes they don’t.  I used the excuse of picking up my daughter so that I could blitz around Ottawa sketching everything in sight – or so thought when I left Quebec City at 4:30AM.

Why so early?  Because I wanted to be at the Nature Museum when it opened at 9:30AM.  And that’s what I did as  I walked in the door at 9:35.  There was only one problem.  I was starting to feel poorly, like I gotta sit down poorly.  I didn’t, but instead I started walking around my favorite museum.  Everything I looked at seemed “so complicated” or boring.  I had absolutely no energy for sketching, or much of anything else.  I sat down and just stared across the lobby.

For the rest of the day I bounced around Ottawa, trying to right the ship and get some sketching done.  I went to the War Museum for the first time.  I’ll need a book light to sketch that place but it’s fantastic and I’ll return, hopefully with more energy.

I continued to mope my way through the day, walking a lot, accomplishing nothing.  I did a bunch of little quick-sketches but little else.  I’m not one to have a hard time finding things to draw or lacking in motivation to do it but there it was, in front of me… ALL DAY.  What a wasted opportunity.

Eventually I picked up my daughter and we went out for a great Korean dinner and I spent that night crashed on her floor.  In the morning we parted ways as she had an afternoon exam and I was determined to get some sketching done.  I was feeling better and like that little train climbing the hill, I was chuffing “I think I can, I think I can.”

Stillman & Birn Delta (8x10), Platinum 3776, Platinum Carbon Black

Stillman & Birn Delta (8×10), Platinum 3776, Platinum Carbon Black

And I did.  I went back to the Nature Museum, which for some reason was being overrun by huge groups of kids.  Normally I like interacting with the kids but there were so many of them I actually felt like I was in their way.  I drew this sketch of a marsh wren and its nest and then decided to head for less populated pastures.  I had an hour or so before I was to meet my daughter for lunch.

I actually did get some more sketching done but I haven’t scanned them, so they’ll have to wait for another day.  Check back for part II of my Ottawa wanderings ‘real soon.’



6 thoughts on “Just Got Back From Sketching Ottawa… Sort Of

  1. Very sorry you had a day like that. Its been a long time since I’ve stopped by your blog. I am happy you did this sketch. The wren is just beautiful.
    Through your rather odd and frustrating day of sketching you still created another little Gem. thank you the wren always makes me happy… you do good work 🙂

    • Hi Lynne, long time no speak. Good to hear from you. If the worse thing that happens to me is that I don’t feel up to sketching one day, I’m a lucky guy. In reality, so many little things went wrong that day that it became comical after a while. Day two, while shorter, was much better. — Larry

  2. I wish we could have connected when you were here Larry! Beautiful sketch! Last time I was at the museum, he bird section was closed. Hope to sketch with you on your next visit to O-town!

    • Hi Cindi, we will meet some day, no doubt about that. Given how I was feeling this trip, it was probably best that we didn’t. You were spared having to endure a grumpy old man 🙂 Oh, and the bird section being closed was but one of the many glitches in my Ottawa trip. The cafeteria is closed too. The marsh wren I drew is in the freshwater section of the water world room. — Larry

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