Late Fall Sketching Is The Best

Ever notice that when things come as a surprise they’re just a bit better?  We’re experiencing some late fall weather that’s been really great and it’s extended my outdoor sketching season.  This surprise has been sweetened even more by my boss and true love (some call her my wife) wanting to sketch with me.  Life is great.

We found ourselves on Ile d’Orleans, the island I’ve mentioned in recent posts and we were back in the park I discussed here.  Chantal wanted to sketch the large hotel building and I sat down to sketch an old house on that sits on a hill in the park.

Stillman & Birn Beta (8x10), Platinum 3776, Platinum Carbon Black

Stillman & Birn Beta (8×10), Pilot Falcon, DeAtramentis Document Brown

When I finished up I went looking for Chantal and found her working away on her sketch.  Not wanting to interrupt her, I sat down and started doodling details of the building she was drawing.  I need to do this more often cuz it’s fun… lots of fun.  I probably could have organized them better on the page but I gave that no thought as I just kept scibbling until the pages were full.  You might want to click on the graphic to enlarge it a bit.  Do you ever do this?

Stillman & Birn Alpha (5.5x8.5), Platinum 3776, Platinum Carbon Black

Stillman & Birn Alpha (5.5×8.5), Platinum 3776, Platinum Carbon Black


4 thoughts on “Late Fall Sketching Is The Best

  1. I love doing small details like that too, especially if I’m short on time or the rest of the building doesn’t interest me as much. We’ve had a beautiful fall, but alas, it ended abruptly today with what is being reported by the media as a storm of epic proportions. Sigh…I sense it will be all indoor sketching from here on out!


    • I love doing details but typically I do them when I’ve only got time for a very short sketch. Doing pages of them from a single spot was new to me and I found that I liked it a lot.

      The storm(s) you guys are getting sound ugly. We’re getting a bit of rain today and supposed to get more on Tues but nothing like what you’re experiencing. — Larry

    • Thanks Viktoria. I’m enjoying the autumn colors more than I normally do because our temps have remained high enough that my ‘hate the cold’ Arizona blood can still go outdoors 🙂 — Larry

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