I got out of French school on Wednesday and rushed downtown to meet with Claudette at the museum. We sketched for a couple hours and then went out to the lobby area where we sat in big comfy chairs and Claudette told me of plans for a trip she’s taking in May.
As we talked, one of the security guards came over, a well-suited man in tow. It turned out, this guy was responsible for the organization and implementation of the Nigeria exhibit, bringing it here from France. The security guard had told him of our sketching and she wanted us to show them to him. Which we did. It was pretty special. I’m not sure the best part was meeting the guy or that the security guard thought enough of us to go out of her way to introduce us. Have I mentioned how great our Musee de la Civilisation and its staff are and how well they treat who sketch there?
Here’s the sketch I did that day. It’s truly an amazing piece and I didn’t do it justice. What’s truly amazing is its size. You see the ‘head’ at the bottom? It’s big enough that a guy puts his head inside it. The front has been broken off but you can get an idea how large the piece is from comparison to a man’s head. The figure must stick up on top of the wearer’s head by three feet. I don’t know how they wear these huge things. This piece is also unique within the exhibit for its reddish-brown color – much more red than anything else.
Done in a Stillman & Birn Epsilon (5.5×8.5) sketchbook with a Pilot Prera and Noodler’s Lexington Gray. Color comes from a couple brown, a red and a black watercolor pencil.