Hubert, a member of our Tuesdays group, arranged for us to sketch at the Morrin Center. This is an anglophone service center that holds lots of wine-drinking soirees and has a wonderful old library, with leather-covered tables, beautiful old railings and stairs, and an ambiance that can’t be beat. The building itself used to be a women’s prison and they’ve retained a couple cells in the basement in their original form. I think you could fit all the anglophones who live in Quebec City into this building and still have room for the wine (grin).
I decided to draw a bust that was sitting in front of one of the windows. It wasn’t a particularly good cast but I liked the guy’s beard and mustache, which gave me ample opportunity to drive my Pilot Falcon around in my Stillman & Birn Beta (8×10) softcover book. I’ve thought about adding some watercolor shading and may do that but I haven’t found the time. Sorry.
That is so funny….we were there later afternoon on Tuesday. It would have been nice to bump into you. We have been in Quebec City this week. I love old libraries with the beautiful oak woods and old furnishings, so we went in. The jail downstairs was closed. I bundled up this aft and went down to Lower town and got a reference photo of the circular stairs near the Venicular.( I was the one that asked a while back about the circular stairs). Going to try drawing them.It was a bit too cold and breezy up top near the Chateau!