Snow has arrived here in Quebec and it’s turning cold. The first storm is always a mess because it comes mixed with temps at or just below the freezing mark and so everything turns into an ice rink. We’re in ice rink mode right now.
This marks the switch from long walks along my river to looking out the window and wishing I weren’t such a wuss when it comes to cold. The Arizona boy runs deep within my bones it seems and I just can’t have fun when I’m cold.
Pre-pandemic, this was the time of year I switched from sketching outdoors to sketching in museums and coffee shops. Post-pandemic (that seems overly optimistic) I’m reluctant to do any of that. My museum memberships have all expired and sitting in coffee shops just doesn’t appeal to me as an old, immuno-suppressed human. And so I look out the window.
My recent interest in learning to paint and how to create art that is less reliant on line drawing looks like a fine way to get through winter. I’m having a fun time using small still life painting as a means to learn how to manipulate oil paint. I’ve made a tall stack of 6×8 gesso’ed panels and they’re just dandy for a winter of fun. All I need are veggies, cups, and stuff to paint. Here’s one where I got the bright idea to paint something glass. I learned a lot but, it seems, I have a lot more to learn (grin) In the end, however, I was very happy with my onion. How could life get any better than to be pleased by an onion?