The 40th Worldwide Sketchcrawl has been scheduled for Quebec City. I hope you can make it to this event, which is anticipated to be our best ever, and with good reason. We’re going to meet near the St. Jean Gate into the old city and sketch in the rue D’auteuil – Artillery Park area. Lots of people to sketch, lots of great architecture, and some really nice park areas if you want to sketch trees or just sit and enjoy the ambiance.
DATE: Saturday, July 13, 2013
TIME: 10:00 to about 15:30
LOCATION: rue D’Auteuil – Artillery Park near the St-Jean Gate
COST: Free unless it rains as we’ll all run for the Artillery Park museum (see below) which costs $4.
We’ll meet near the St. Jean Gate and begin sketching at 10AM. Around mid-day, we’ll break for lunch, have fun seeing everyone’s sketches, and have the inevitable sketching discussions. Those who arrive late and those who remain with us for the afternoon will sketch until around 15:30, when we can once again enjoy each other’s sketches.

This is a sketch I did of the Artillery Park Museum entrance, which is just inside the St. Jean Gate.
The weather will be beautiful, I just know it will … but otherwise we will gather in the Artillery Park Museum. We’ll have to pay the $4 entry fee but they have agreed to allow us to sketch the museum holdings.
Celine Poulin and Yvan Breton are the organizers and we all hope to see you out sketching with us! Please invite your friends, and feel free to circulate this invitation!