The keepers of Quebec City have a sense of humor, or so it seems. On every tourist map there is a pointer to Passage du Chiens, or Dog Passage and people flock to see it. Well, maybe not flock as it’s down the street from lots of other stuff and they simply see it as they pass by.
But there it is, complete with official street sign – Passage du Chiens. It is a passageway to a road/parking area for residents who live in the area and whose house fronts on a ‘street’ that is no longer a street but rather a walkway for pedestrians. And the Passage du Cheins does sit between two art galleries that are quite photogenic and so many photos are taken of the spot. I suspect dog lovers get a kick out of showing it to their friends.
Towards the end of our outdoor sketching season I was wandering around, trying to get in some last minute plein air sketching, and I decided to sketch this famous landmark. The sun was bright, which was great because the temps were just above freezing. Before I finished, though, the sun had moved behind the buildings, shading the entire area. This, and the fact that I’d been sitting for an hour caused me to be quite cold so I quickly snapped this photo and moved on to find more sunny ground.
And then I completely forgot about the sketch, until today. I decided it was time to add some color and this was the result. Hope you like it. It was done in a Stillman & Birn Alpha sketchbook (10×7) and a Pilot Prera pen filled with Noodler’s Lexington Gray ink.