Once I made a couple of sketchbooks with toned paper, I started looking for something to sketch in them. This search coincided with my looking up as I walked and the result were these two sketches. Both were made on Canson Mi-Teinte colored papers. Not as nice for washes as the Stillman & Birn sketchbooks I’m used to but I still had a lot of fun creating these sketches. Hope you like them.

One of the many turrets that grace buildings here in Quebec City. Canson Mi-Teintes paper (5x7), Hero calligraphy pen w/Platinum Carbon Black ink. W&N artist colors
One of the things I learned from doing these sketches is that looking up to sketch is difficult. Not only is there an extra perspective dimension to deal with, but just the head bobbing up and down seemed to make it harder for me to create the sketch.
Great sketches both, Larry, but I really love the transformers and their wires.
What a great blog you have! I have been sketching quite a few rooftops. A couple of days ago though, I looked right opposite my window and saw a tangle of electrical stuff just waiting there to be sketched.
Hey, the Quirky Artist is visiting my blog. Hi Wendy! The best thing about sketching, to me, is how it causes me to notice and appreciate so many things I’ve never noticed before.
Cheers — Larry