One of my favorite cafes in Quebec City is Chez Temporel. If you don’t know it’s there, you’ll probably never find it because it sits on a side street in the old city, sharing the street with a tiny grocery store.
My daughter was visiting and we decided to go there for coffee. I’m a ‘just make it hot and brown’ kind of coffee drinker but she ordered cafe viennois and I thought I’d try it. It was an opportunity to find out what chantilly cream was. As it turns out it’s whipped cream made with some extra sugar and a bit of vanilla.
I decided I would draw it when it came. When it did arrive I realized that this was a dessert before coffee drink and I was unsure what to do. Whipped cream doesn’t sit around long when placed on top of hot coffee so I just did a really quick sketch of my bowl of cafe viennois. It tasted better than the sketch looks.
I thought I’d add a few of my doodles along with this sketch. This is where I practice stuff. In this case I was trying different degrees of “looseness” in my pen lines, trying to match the subject at hand. I’m not sure I accomplished any of that but I added just a bit to my pen mileage and every bit helps.
No expert here, but I’d say you did indeed accomplish your goal here. Nicely done!
Thanks. Mostly I post drawings where I start out to create a decent drawing. I’m always trying to develop a ‘quick’ style that’s at least pleasing to the eye. Lots of work to do in that area 🙂
Love the pine cone.
Thanks Darlene. I find it easy to get lost when drawing pine cones.