Good Year For Flowers In Quebec City

I don’t know if high humidity and almost daily rain is a new normal for Quebec City but this summer has been a frustration because of it.  That said, the plant world is having a great time.  Everything is more lush, a lot greener, and flowers are everywhere.

I’m trying to fit my powerwalks (old man power walks mean distance, not speed) into our renovation work and I found myself in Parc de l’Amerique Latin, which is a park that features a bunch of statues of famous people from Latin America.

It was hot and I needed a break so I sat down to practice drawing flower blossoms.  I love drawing plants where I try to draw an individual plant or flower, leaf by leaf or petal by petal.  This is great practice in size/orientation relationships of organic subjects.  Here’s what I came up with on that day.

2 thoughts on “Good Year For Flowers In Quebec City

  1. Lovely botanicals, Larry. Sorry to hear you’re having such a wet summer. Ours is hotter than usual (unfortunately, likely to be the new normal).

    • Wild weather here. I think we’ve all gotten more hot than normal but it came as a big surprise to me to find it too cold for shorts and t-shirt yesterday 🙂 Hope it doesn’t snow today (grin).

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