I’ve been following Marc Taro Holmes’ new Craftsy course and as a result of that I’ve been doing a lot of his ‘single-line drawing’ sketches. This is an exercise with two purposes – to get your hand to loosen up and to simplify what you are drawing. It’s like doing push ups so you can hit a baseball. It’s not the way to do most drawings. It’s also not the equivalent of a blind contour drawing as you’re looking at what you’re drawing.
It’s taking me a while to get so I could do it, and I’m far from doing it well, but this exercise is really opening doors for me. I struggle with the fact that my typical “style” is rather tight and SLOW. Sometimes I want to capture something without spending a lot of time. Sometimes I want to capture a LOT, and don’t have the time given my style. So developing an alternative is useful to me. Note that I didn’t say replacement.
Anyways, I’m starting to try to bring some of that more loose, quicker approach into my sketching and here’s an example. Not a single-line drawing by any means but one done more loosely and more quickly than is my norm. New adventures.
It was done on the same 6×9 sheets of cheap watercolor paper that I’ve been using for my single-line exercises. BTW, Marc’s course is spectacular, providing more bang for the buck than most courses. I highly recommend it.
Nice job! I think it’s always a good idea to have more than one sketching “style” (for lack of a better term) to meet various sketching circumstances. Because it’s always better to sketch than to not sketch.
I agree, maybe several ‘styles’ 🙂 — Larry