Seems there have been a few additions to my city since I roamed it last fall. I came across this one and had to sketch it. Nothing says ‘urban sketching’ like a concrete ping-pong table. The net is made of a thick, hard plastic and the playing surface is black concrete. Nothing to break, nothing to set up. You just show up and play.
Drawing in a Stillman & Birn Alpha (9×6) sketchbook with a TWSBI Mini and Platinum Carbon Black ink. Still a bit cool for watercolors on the street so these were done at home.
Hello Larry,
Where did you saw that ping-pong tennis… just curious!
Bonjour Andre,
C’est dans un petit parc nord de Mail St. Roch, sur la rue du Prince-Éduard.
Google Map:,-71.218917,3a,62.5y,182.35h,77.83t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sAnbLCd79O9HNErO9RBOHuQ!2e0
Il n’existe pas dans cette photo, mais il est maintenant en place dans la espace ouvert.
Cheers — Larry