It’s -10C outside my window at the moment and the sidewalks here are full of ice, very lumpy ice. But weather reports suggest that melting should commence in earnest starting tomorrow. My daughter tells me that Montreal sidewalks are free of ice so that’s a hopeful sign. Anyways, very soon I’ll be joining those of you who are currently scurrying about your cities drawing cherry blossoms and crocuses (grin).
I’ve been involved in learning to paint, or attempting to and because of that I haven’t been drawing much. I decided that I should get some pointy sticks out and start pushing them about to see if I still can. Also, in the recent past I made a comment about not posting my casual sketches and someone asked me why not and encouraged me to do so.
In answer to the first question I just don’t want my practice to feel like I’m “producing content.” I confess that I sometimes think all the posting to the internet may be one of the worst things that has happened to artists though I confess to being addicted to look at sketches produced by others. Those views cause me to keep a lot of what I do off the internet. It’s also time consuming to scan/post every sketch I do. In short, I’m lazy.
Alvin Mark posts a lot of great vlogs on his YouTube channel and he was doing a sketchbook tour. I took that as an opportunity to quickly sketch some of the people he had sketched on the Singapore trains.
While sitting in my studio/office I just started drawing stuff, using ballpoint pens. The red pen was giving me a lot of trouble and I made a mess of the scissors trying to chase the intermittent lines it was creating/
Here’s a page from the small scribble book I carry everywhere.
Last and probably least, I was enjoying a snack and quickly moved this stub of a pencil around until the page resembled something.
I’ve found that my time hiding from COVID and making messes with oil paints have left my pointy stick skills rusty. I’m hoping to get lots of miles done this summer.