Several weeks ago I got to meet a new sketcher. She and her husband had moved to Quebec City and she wanted to hook up with local sketchers. We met for a sketching session and had a great time.
Then I started having mobility problems and time after time, we couldn’t manage to get together for another session. I was both frustrated and embarrassed by this and so when she asked if we could go sketching last week I said yes and we agreed to meet near the large fountain in front of the Quebec Parliament. Yvan came along as well.
I limped my way to the site and sat on a bench. It was really great to be out in the fresh air and to get to talk with friends but I was hurting so much that sketching didn’t seem important. Still, there I was and so I started by drawing three young children who are part of the fountain.
I spent more time just sitting than I did drawing but I just kept adding small sketches of things I could see from my position. No rhyme or reason to it; I was just sketching, or trying. It wasn’t urban sketching at its best but it was urban sketching I suppose (grin). For what it’s worth, the guy in front of the lamp post wasn’t actually leaning against it; he was part of the fountain too. The lamp post was actually across the street from the fountain. While he is shirtless, we were wearing jackets.
Good you got out, but I’m sorry to hear the improving is going slowly. My best to you ….
It’s certainly going more slowly than I would like, but I’m not the guy with the worst problems in the world so I try to keep it all in perspective. — Larry