#oneweek100people2018 – When Liz Steel and Marc Taro Holmes announced they were doing the 100 people in five days thing they did last year, I was all in. It was a lot of fun last year and just the thing to rev the engines a bit, though drawing people is not my favorite thing. But when Monday, March 5th, rolled around my arthritic hands were locked up tighter than a …err…well, they weren’t functioning very well. The same was true on Tuesday so I told Marc I would have to pass on the event.
Yesterday, my hands were better, though they seem to have a mind of their own right now, and I headed to the mall to draw people. I figured that if I was to catch up I would have to go into overdrive, maybe even cheating a bit to get the job done. So, with a cup of coffee, I sat down in front of a McDonalds in the food court and started quickly sketching people who were waiting for their orders. Nothing very artistic about the process, I was almost literally scribbling, but one hour later I ended up with 42 kinda-sorta people blobs in my Stillman & Birn Nova (5.5×8.5) sketchbook. I then headed off to an appointment.
Once I got home, I applied colors somewhat randomly. If I’d been true to the actual colors most of the coats would have been black. Quebecers are not known for their bright colors. I know I’ll not likely make 100 people given I gave all of you a two day head start but I feel good that I’ve put a dent in the goal. We’ll see what today brings.
Very well done Larry!
All those hoods, warm coats and backpacks . . . Quebecers look a lot like Seattleites, at least in our sketchbooks! 😉
In south of France too, all coats would have been black !
Good luck with your hands, Larry !
Interesting that there’s the same preference for black in southern France. My wife is Quebecois and if you look at her wardrobe you just might think she’s a ninja 🙂