My brain is rusty. While I’m still having trouble with my drawing hand, it’s my brain that has fallen out of practice and needs some line miles to return my sketching to the miserable quality it once was. So when Yvan and I made another trip to the hunting an fishing museum I was determined to make a lot of lines.
Instead of trying to create a detailed, well-proportioned drawing, I decided to sketch quickly (for me) so I could cover more ground – make more marks. No pencil block in, no holding my pencil out to get proportions. The goal was to make lines – lines that, hopefully, would look something like a duck. Here’s what I managed to put to paper.
Errors abound, of course, but they do look like ducks and generally they look like the ones I was looking at. I label this a success with the caveat that I need to do a lot more of it to get my lines to flow better. After a short break I decided to do the same thing with a bunch of fishing lures. The drawing here was pretty “sketchy” (pun intended) so I added some color to add some life to the spread.
We say all the time that it’s the process, not the product. Getting back into sketching is reward enough for me.